I have never been able to make up my mind whether to concentrate on art, writing or natural history. I usually concentrate on one of the three for a while, then concentrate on another of the three. Art, writing and natural history are intwined in my life and often involve teaching a combination of these subjects.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Portrait and Figure Studio, September22
As I was putting this blog together I realized that when I took this photo I was standing but when I was painting the sketches I was sitting. I'll remember to sit next time when I take the photo if I plan to sit when I paint. The reason will be clear as you look at the following sketches. I had a lot of difficulty getting the angle of the model's hair across her brow correct. When I was standing, the angle was slight but there was more of an angle when I sat...But not as much as my mind was telling me. A lot of art is painting what my eyes are really seeing, not what my mind tells me I see.
6X9 Four minute quick sketch
6X9 Four minute quick sketch
7X10 Forty minute sketch. I laid in washes during the first twenty minutes. After the model's break so she could stretch and relax, I started by drawing lines with a Micron .05 pen to enhance the features. I adjusted the hair line several times to lower it and to lessen the angle. I added a few more washes,also.
7X10 Twenty minute sketch. By this time I was more familiar with the model's features. I still didn't get that hair angle right but I am pleased with the rest of the painting.
6X8 Twenty minute sketch. For the last portrait of the afternoon, I decided to paint the entire figure and give a hint of her surroundings as well.
You're amazing!