I have three paintings on exhibit at Brukner Nature Center as part of the Miami Valley Plein Air Belles Exhibit. Ten of us have three paintings each. The exhibit will be open until September 19, 2010. Come see what we have painted.
Waterlilies was painted from a photo my husband took at the Biltmore Estate in Ashville, North Carolina. This is the first time I have attempted to paint raindrops on a flower.

This painting of the Herb Garden at Brukner was painted on Yupo which is a very slick watercolor paper. The paint behaves very differently on the slick surface. I was particularly interested in the shapes of the rocks and the shadows on them and around them.

Because the group it called Plein Air, many of us included paintings that were painted on location or "en plein air".
This rosebud was painted at Andy's Garden which is a Garden Center near here.
The background is white but showed as pale blue when it was photographed.