Sunday, August 12, 2018

More From Nellie and George's Backyard...July 11, 2018

George and Nellie change their garden from year to year as they come up with new ideas.  Their garden is mostly a shady one. Much of the area is low so water stands in it after rains or snow melts.  They have dug shallow drainage paths for the water to follow and created interesting garden features in the process.

In the last blog about their garden,  I showed you the bridge Twilly Troll lives under.

Here is a new paver path they put in earlier this year.  In the upper part of the photo you can see their kitchen window.  This path is midway down their garden which is about two hundred feet long.

Nellie told me the names of some of her many lilies.  This one is called Priscilla's Rainbow.

Creature of the Night is this lily's name.  Nellie and George think it must have been named by someone thinking of the song, "The Music of the Night" from The Phantom of the Opera.

Nellie found this lily's name on a list of lilies she and George have bought from Blanchard's in Applecreek, Ohio.  It is called Lady Stephanie.

I didn't ask Nellie the names of the three different lilies in the photos below.  I sent her copies of the photos so perhaps she will identify them for me the next time she sends me a letter.

Nellie and George's garden also has wild flowers for the bees and butterflies. If  you look closely, you will see a honeybee gathering the nectar on this milkweed.

Earlier this year Nellie snapped this photo of a red-shouldered hawk perched on a tree in the backyard.  I suppose it was stopping by on its trip back north.

Nellie and George found this fawn  half hidden in the grasses and trees toward the back of their garden one morning  It was gone the next day so its mother must have returned to it sometime late in the day or evening.

"Lose yourself in Nature and find Peace."

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely garden they must have, those daylilies are so pretty! :)
