Thursday, April 4, 2019

April 3, 2019...A Perfect Spring Day in the Woods

Frogs singing for their mates provided music for our ears and flowers provided beauty for our eyes.   This was the first day of Spring in Garbry Big Woods Sanctuary.  The calendar Spring is only a date.  This was an event.

Harbinger of Spring clusters were sprinkled throughout the woodland, little tufts on the blanket of last year's leaves.

Here and there other flowers joined in the celebration.

Spring Beauties...



And a little further down the boardwalk, Dutchmen's Breeches buds were swelling.

A few Sessile Trillium were opening their leaves.

Waterleaf was just beginning to show itself all through the woods.

And the pollinators were busy gathering food for themselves and spreading pollen.

A bee or a wasp or a fly?  The flower is Purple Cress.

Eastern Comma Butterfly

A couple Eastern Garter Snakes  awakened to check out the territory.  

One decided to explore further.

Happy Spring, everyone.


  1. Pretty Flowers! You have spring...seems you always see ssssnakes there in the spring:(

    1. For some reason, garter snakes do well in this woods. I rarely see snakes in the other woods I walk in.
