On Saturday, August 18, Tom and I joined the group at Brukner Nature Center doing a Butterfly Survey. Ruth, our leader, said she doesn't plan to send in the results of the weekly surveys which begin in April and continue until the end of October because we are just learning the ins and outs of doing this survey.
The Ohio Lepidopterists have been monitoring Ohio Butterflies for quite a few years. I first heard of the survey when I was doing the July Butterfly Counts at Aullwood Nature Center. The counts are another project of the Ohio Lepidopterists.
This was my first hands-on experience.
Tom was usually somewhere behind the rest of the group because he took the time to take photographs of what we were seeing...if the butterfly was still there when he got to it.
I learned that the surveyors record nectar sources, caterpillars and the plants on which they are found, the flowers currently blooming as well as the weather conditions. The same route is followed each week and we are to look within fifteen feet of that route. I understand why Ruth decided we should spend the first survey year learning how to do it properly.
Here are the photos that Tom took.
Painted Lady. (Vanessa cardui)
Painted Lady with its wings open.
Painted Lady with its wings closed.
Silver-spotted Skipper (Epargyreus clarus)
Clouded Sulphur (Colias philodice)
We also found some other insects.
A Net-winged Beetle (family Lycidae)
Probably a Chinese Mantis (Tenodera aridifolia sinensis)
21 hours ago
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