Sunday, October 22, 2017

Painting at the Little Mader Farm

Marsha arranged for our painting group to paint at the Little Mader Farm for the second time.  The weather was perfect, sunny, cool enough to need a light jacket but warm enough after a lunch snack to take the jacket off.  Jerri made  a delicious blueberry coffee cake for us.  There were five of us painting, half of the original plein air group from five or six years ago.  It was good to see everyone.

I painted and sketched, sketched and painted using the Micron pen and watercolor technique I have been playing with the last couple months.  When I looked at the painting after I came home, I realized I had painted a chair with only three legs.  I painted one in.  The rest of the painting is as it was when I laid down my brush for the final time at the farm.

1 comment:

  1. My daughter Jen is also working with the micron pens. I am still working on blending Prismacolor pencils, their blender pencil works great and I also got some fancy liquid stuff to put on strips of felt to use a a blender.
    I enjoyed seeing your painting what fun to paint out of doors:)
