Monday, July 30, 2018

George and Nellie's Garden... July 11,2018

Tom drove us to Northeastern Ohio to visit my sister and her husband, her daughter, and to visit the Cleveland Art Museum.  After stopping at our niece's embroidery shop and having a good time visiting as we ate lunch with her, we headed toward George and Nellie's.  

We always take time to look at their beautiful flower garden before going out to eat with them.

At the entrance to her garden, my sister  had a new sign.  She said, "We'll see the troll somewhere as we go walking".

She asked me to take a photo of the verbena near the sign.  Some flowers are so tiny it is hard to see the details.  My Olympus Tough (TG-850)  has a Macro option so I was able to get a good closeup.  Interesting to me that the manufacturer used a flower to mark the setting.

She has a wide variety of flowers in her backyard which is one big flower garden.
The flowers that predominate are the lilies and the hostas. Most of the backyard is shady, an ideal place for the hostas.  The lilies glow in areas that get some sun.

There are a variety of borders.  In the first photo, you can see a brick border.  In the second is a stone border.  Nellie and George decide on the look they want and then do whatever they must do to achieve it.

She has  miniature hostas, too.  The gnome gives you an idea of their size.

Hosta blooms.

There are a variety of inhabitants in her garden, too.



A colony of gnomes...

Small animals and birds and butterflies...

Buddhas and wind chimes...


Shortly after I took this photo I found Twilly Troll.

This is the bridge he lives under.  Remember that sign at the entrance to the garden?


  1. I enjoyed seeing her sign, and that basket of flowers on that chair are so pretty! :)

    1. The two of you would have had fun talking about flowers.

  2. We have frequented George and Nellie’s garden over the past years. George an I worked on teams together at Babcock & Wilcox. My wife and I have enjoyed the visits ah have been encouraged to expand our gardens. Thanks for featuring George and Nellie. They are wonderful folks.
