Thursday, September 6, 2012

August 5, Painting with Sarah

We painted from this shelterhouse. The temperature was close to 90 degrees but there was a pleasant light breeze and we were in the shade. The day was overcast. There were a few sprinkles of rain as I was driving home about 4:30 PM. The shelterhouse is in the middle of a large mowed field.

The last time I was at Stillwater Prairie was during the Hug the Earth Festival. There were about a thousand elementary children here, the Banana Slug String Band and lots of action. Today was peaceful and still except for the fall insects calling, a few birds singing, and the distant sound of a riding mower. I painted my version of this scene across the field.

Here are three photos of the painting in process. I still want to play around with the right side and lighten the tree behind the Red Cedar, the little oval evergreen about in the center. Probably will do a few other odds and ends as well.

This is Sarah's painting as she progressed. I noticed this morning that I didn't have the entire painting in the picture when I took the third photo. I'm sorry because all of the painting is important.

We both painted on 300 weight cold-pressed Arches. Both paintings are 10 inches by 8 inches.

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