Sunday, December 13, 2015

Birding with Tom, Saturday, December 12, 2015

Solidago ( I don't know which one)

We were walking through Octagon Prairie at Charleston Falls when Tom noticed a huge flock of robins high in the trees at the edge of the woods.

"I wonder if those are all robins."

"I'll go back and get our binoculars," I said.

It was a record-setting warm day...68 degrees Fahrenheit.  The parking lot was full.  There were so many people walking their dogs, we wondered if the park was sponsoring its monthly dog social.  It wasn't.

When we looked along the less traveled trails we found the birds.  They were too far away to photograph but not too far away to find with our binoculars.  Between us we saw fifteen species.  My favorites were three Cedar Waxwings.

Picture from The Field Guide to the Birds of North America, Second edition published by the National Geographic Society.

1 comment:

  1. I only see Cedar Waxwings eating the wild raspberries in late July or early August and they don't stick around long. Yes that is a of the plumed ones. I love Goldenrods probably because of their yellow color and I am not bothered by them like some people are. Getting a storm here starting tomorrow afternoon and probably sending it your way:)
