Monday, January 22, 2018

Sketching Goal, a Sketch Every Day...(So far I have missed two days)

Yesterday's drawing...

As I drew, the child in the photo I worked from evolved from a mostly front photo to a side angle.  That happens sometimes.  I only have control of my pencil sometimes.  Here is the original photo.

Other times I get a pretty close likeness .

And, the ones I get the best likeness on are the ones I spend the least time on.  My eyes and my hand and brain are working together.

If I draw a sketch a day and study the how-to books on drawing faces, I  expect to have more eye-hand-brain control eventually.

I have liked to draw faces from the time I was a child.  I remember I was overjoyed to discover I could put a bump on the side of an oval and the bump looked like a nose.  That was in first or second grade.

Three things worked together to jump start me on this project.  I started sorting through our accumulation of photos.. eighty years of pictures from our lives.  Then there are some pictures of ancestors as well.

On the far end of the table are two plastic boxes which I think are sometimes called sweater boxes.  I have four more boxes that size filled with photos.. And then there are Tom's boxes of photos...another five boxes.  Fortunately, I have dates on the majority of them.  This time around I am adding names.

At the moment, I am sorting the photos into individual boxes for my three children and eleven grandchildren plus a box for ourselves and a box of photos to give to various other people.

As I sorted I came across pictures I thought would be fun to draw.

So 1. sorting...2 finding favorite of my grandsons decided to challenge himself to a drawing a sketch a day and has been posting at least one each day on Facebook.  He has posted almost sixty days without a miss.

I have already missed two days.  But I'm on a roll again.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! If I could sketch like that I would never stop! Looks like you have a handle on the photos...I am thinking of taking mine out of albums and doing a big sort too...just not yet. Still have the rotten cold and trying to get better. Say hi to Tom:)
