Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Technology is Wonderful...Lifts

It is snowing this morning, a light steady snow, the kind that may last all day and bring us a couple inches on the ground before it tapers off.

The public transit bus makes it easy and safe for Tom to go to Pulmonary Rehab.  He rides his scooter onto the bus and when he gets to the hospital, he rides his scooter into the hospital.  He never has to stand on the slippery snow. If I were taking him, he would stand up beside our van and risk falling before he sat in his scooter.

1 comment:

  1. Those busses make it so much easier. My Mom took it a few times after she broke her pelvis and had to go to therapy..lots less jostling around for her..and like you say safer too.
    Happy Valentine's Day! :)
